Mission & Vision

Vision of School

St. Clare’s school to be the powerful agent of transforming human beings and bringing about a just society, with qualitative and a value based education: thus creating individuals who are intellectually competent, morally sound, emotionally whole and who promote the values of God’s Kingdom where love , truth, peace , justice and harmony prevail.

Mission of School

With coordination and cooperation of all the stake holders, the mission of the school is:

  • To impart quality education to all the children of the area without any prejudice and distinction of caste , creed, color, religion, sex or social status;
  • To inculcate sound character with values of true discipline, hard work, respect for all religions cultures and above all love for environment;
  • To induce in them the true spirit of patriotism, national integration, human dignity, honesty and sportsmanship;
  • To enable them to be morally, socially, physically and mentally fit;
  • And to enhance all-round development of the students for the better society of and for tomorrow.